Why I Created This Planner

When I was still skating competitively, I tried to find a ready-made planner that would work for figure skating.

I bought many products, and even though some of them were designed for figure skaters, none of them were quite what I was looking for.

So, I always found myself having to create my own worksheets.

Every year, I organized these worksheets in a binder with tabs and used my planning guide to keep me organized and stay on track.

Throughout my coaching career, I have used some of the very same worksheets that I created for myself with my skaters. But, until now, I never put them altogether in one package!

I've redesigned many of the worksheets so that they are prettier than the grids that I made years ago.

The reason that I decided to use Teachable as the distribution method for the 2022 planner is that there are many different worksheets.

Every skater is unique.

So, some of the worksheets may be perfect for you, but others may not be what you are looking for.

Within this platform, you can preview the sheets and decide which ones you want to download, print, and use for your own planning purposes.

I also may decide to modify a sheet or add a new one over the course of the year. When I do, I will let you know that I've made an update so that you can view and download the new version (if you wish)!

You'll have access to this course until the end of 2022 so you can always come back if you need a sheet that you didn't download or can't find something that you swore you saved.

If you have any feedback about a worksheet, or something that you feel is missing, please leave comments to let me know!

I hope this planning guide provides you with additional support to keep you focused, on-track, and productive with your skating in 2021.

~ Aimée

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